A comparison of different kinds of European chocolates on human plaque pH
Authors: E. Verakaki, M. S. Duggal
Volume: 4
Publication date: Dec 2003
Pag: 203– 210
An intervention program to reduce dental avoidance behaviour among adolescents: a pilot study
Volume: 4 Issue:4 Publication date: Dec 2003 Pag: 191– 196Psychological aspects in paediatric dentistry: parental presence
Volume: 4 Issue:4 Publication date: Dec 2003 Pag: 177– 180Reliability and validity of measures used in assessing dental anxiety in 5- to 15-year-old Croatian children
Volume: 4 Issue:4 Publication date: Dec 2003 Pag: 197– 202Predicting dental anxiety. The clinical value of anxiety questionnaires: an explorative study
Volume: 4 Issue:4 Publication date: Dec 2003 Pag: 171– 176Frequent exposure to invasive medical care in early childhood and operative dental treatment associated with dental apprehension of children at 9 years of age
Volume: 4 Issue:4 Publication date: Dec 2003 Pag: 186– 190Rare compound odontoma of the mandible in a 7-year-old child: case report
Volume: 4 Issue:4 Publication date: Dec 2003 Pag: 211– 213A prospective clinical trial comparing preformed metal crowns and cast restorations for defective first permanent molars
Volume: 4 Issue:3 Publication date: Sep 2003 Pag: 138– 142Hypomineralised first permanent molars and the orthodontist
Authors: J. K. Williams, A. J. Gowans
Volume: 4
Publication date: Sep 2003
Pag: 129– 132
Molar Incisor Hypomineralisation (MIH)
Authors: K. L. Weerheijm
Volume: 4
Publication date: Sep 2003
Pag: 114– 120