Influence of different ethnicities on early childhood caries in preschool children at risk of social exclusion in Southeastern Spain
Publication date: January/2025Volume: Pag: 1–
Self-inflicted oral-dental mutilations (SIODMs) in paediatric patients: a systematic review of case reports and case series
Publication date: /2025Volume: Pag: 1–
Clinical Evaluation of Contemporary Ion Releasing Restorative Materials in Primary Molars Subjected to Selective Caries Removal: a randomised clinical trial
Publication date: January/2025Volume: Pag: 1–
Prevalence of dental caries in 3-6-year-old children in Prishtina, Kosovo
Publication date: January/2025Volume: Pag: 1–
Paedodontic preformed crowns in primary teeth and relative degree of dental wear
Publication date: May/2024Volume: 25 Pag: 1–
Caries Activity Tests and Associated Factors among 3-5-Year-Old Preschool Children in Zhao County, Hebei Province, China
Publication date: November/2024Volume: Pag: 1–
Evaluation of the Effects of MTA Apexification and Regenerative Endodontic Therapy on Lesion Healing using Fractal Analysis: A Retrospective Study
Publication date: December/2024Volume: Pag: 1–
Reliability and validity of artificial intelligence-based innovative digital scale for the assessment of anxiety in children
Publication date: January/2024Volume: Pag: 1–
Effects of oral hygiene motivation strategies in paediatric patients with autism
Publication date: December/2024Volume: Pag: 1–
Analysis of microbiota in black stain of children and its impact on caries risk. A systematic review
Publication date: December/2024Volume: Pag: 1–
Developmental Changes in Pharyngeal Airway in the Male Population From Adolescence to Adulthood
Publication date: June/2024Volume: Pag: 1–
Upper Jaw Development After Lingual Laser Frenectomy and Myofuntional Therapy
Publication date: July/2024Volume: Pag: 1–
Developmental defects of enamel in childhood cancer survivors: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Publication date: July/2024Volume: Pag: 1–
Children’s toothbrushing: a population survey on behaviours, attitudes, and knowledge in parents of Callao, Peru
Publication date: September/2024Volume: Pag: 1–
A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Regenerative Pulpotomy in the Treatment of Vital Primary Teeth
Publication date: September/2024Volume: Pag: 1–
Comparison between manual vs electric powered toothbrush by using the PCR index in paediatric dentistry
Publication date: September/2024Volume: Pag: 1–
Effects On Palatal Surface Area In Mixed Dentition Patients Treated With Leaf Expander And Rapid Palatal Expander, Compared To Untreated Subjects: A Randomised Clinical Trial
Publication date: September/2024Volume: Pag: 1–
Laser and remineralising agents in dental erosion: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Publication date: October/2024Volume: Pag: 1–
Investigation of Parents’ Awareness of Early Orthodontic Evaluation and Treatment in Paediatric Patients: A Cross-Sectional Study
Publication date: April/2024Volume: Pag: 1–
Effects of Medication on Asthma and the Development of Caries Cavities in Children Aged 3-15 at Luz Hospital in Lisbon, Portugal
Publication date: October/2024Volume: Pag: 1–
Environmental risk factors analysis in paediatric oral health: a cross-sectional study
Publication date: April/2024Volume: Pag: 1–
Combined surgical luxation and orthodontic traction treatment of a severely infraoccluded primary molar with deep caries: a case report and literature review
Publication date: October/2024Volume: Pag: 1–
Reduction of Dental Anxiety in Children Using Virtual Reality: A Randomised Controlled Trial
Publication date: October/2024Volume: Pag: 1–
Parental knowledge, attitude and practice regarding paediatric dental trauma. A systematic review
Publication date: December/2023Volume: Pag: 1–
Bottle-feeding and gastroesophageal reflux disease improvement after restrictive tethered oral tissues release
Publication date: March/2023Volume: Pag: 1–
Neurocognitive abilities in children affected by sleep breathing disorders. A systematic review and meta-analysis of case control-studies
Publication date: March/2023Volume: Pag: 1–