In this study we present the new postoperative oro-myofunctional protocol following frenectomy by atmospheric plasma associated with a systemic postural approach, which determines functional recovery through body symmetry restoration based on the concepts of the French “Mezieres Method” and postural bench.
A total of 130 patients (76 female, 54 male) affected by ankyloglossia of class III/IV, according to Kotlow’s Tongue Tie Classification have been treated with atmospheric plasma followed by oro-myofunctional therapy associated with a systemic postural approach. The overall change, improved/worsened speech, feeding, or sleep has been evaluated through the 10 points Parents Speech Satisfaction (PSS) Score after one week and two months.
In all patients, the lingual frenulum has been removed using atmospheric plasma, a thermal technique that creates a sublimation of the superficial tissues, without going in-depth, and used in many medical fields. No complications or adverse events were reported during the postoperative period. After oro-myofunctional therapy, all patients reported a significant ameliorating of overall change in PSS score (p<0.0001) after one week and two months. In addition, a significant increase in speech capability and feeding capability was detected after comparing the results at one week and at two months (p<0.01). Following this trend, the sleep satisfaction scores show a statistically significant increase between the PSS score at one week and at two months (p=0.0029).
Based on the findings of the current investigation, myofunctional therapy in tongue-tie results in a consistent significant functional ameliorating of feeding capability, speech and sleeping of subject treated as reported with traditional oro-myofunctional therapy.
Publication date:
Vol.24 – n.3/2023
Harvard: A. Scarano, R. Di Giulio, S. A. Gehrke, M. Di Carmine, C. Bugea, F. Lorusso, S. Rexhep Tari (2023) "Orofacial-Myofunctional therapy after lingual frenectomy in patient with tongue-tie: a systemic postural approach with mezieres method and postural bench", European Journal of Paediatric Dentistry, 24(3), pp201-206. doi: 10.23804/ejpd.2023.1885
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