Conservative management of multiple keratocystic odontogenic tumours in a child with Gorlin-Goltz syndrome: a case report
Volume: 9 Issue:4 Publication date: December 2008 Pag: 195– 198Paediatric patients receiving oncology therapy: review of the literature and oral management guidelines
Volume: 9 Issue:4 Publication date: December 2008 Pag: 188– 194Effectiveness of a motivation method on the oral hygiene of children
Volume: 9 Issue:4 Publication date: December 2008 Pag: 183– 187Ramus marginalis mandibulae nervus facialis palsy in hemifacial microsomia
Volume: 9 Issue:4 Publication date: December 2008 Pag: 175– 182Longitudinal study on a rehabilitative model for correction of atypical swallowing
Volume: 9 Issue:4 Publication date: December 2008 Pag: 170– 174Neuromuscular diagnosis in orthodontics. Effects of TENS on the sagittal maxillo-mandibular relationship
Volume: 9 Issue:4 Publication date: December 2008 Pag: 163– 169Oral features in Kabuki make-up Syndrome
Volume: 9 Issue:3 Publication date: September 2008 Pag: 149– 152The case report in 21st century child dental literature
Volume: 9 Issue:3 Publication date: September 2008 Pag: 145– 148The prevalence and aetiology of Molar-Incisor Hypomineralisation in a group of children in Istanbul
Volume: 9 Issue:3 Publication date: September 2008 Pag: 139– 144Dental caries in children with asthma undergoing treatment with short-acting 2-agonists
Authors: S. Mazzoleni, E. Stellini, E. Cavaleri, A. Angelova Volponi, R. Ferro, S. Fochesato Colombani
Volume: 9
Publication date: September 2008
Pag: 132– 138